My name is Janne and I'm a danish young woman at 24. I live in Denmark and I'm a dreamer! 😀
The name of my page is a part of who I am - I love to dream myself into another place, another world, another time. I love to see and learn new things, and I just love to travel to new places! Here on my page you can se
some of the places I've been and get a look into my life, my thoughts, my experiances. I haven't always been good at seeing the positive in life, to live in the present and to feel every feeling that makes me who I am. I've learned to do it the hard way and
I'm still learning - and I love it! I hope my experiances will make you smile, just as much as they made me do! Feel free to look arround, and you are welcome to write me an e-mail if you have any comments - it would mean the world to me! My e-mail is located
under "link".
PS: I'm sorry for any mis-spelling that might be, please overlook them.
Thank you in advance.